Top 10 Shade Garden Ground Cover Plants to Grow
It is a low-growing plant with tiny purple flowers that can handle drought and smells good.
Thyme that creeps
It has pretty leaves and spikes of blue flowers in the spring. It is called bugleweed.
It is a popular choice for an evergreen plant because it does well in thick shade and has glossy green leaves.
A. Pachysandra
This plant grows in a trailing form and has shiny green leaves and purple flowers. It's great for covering big areas.
Small Vinca
Hosta plants are mostly known for their leaves, but many of them can spread and do well as ground cover in shady areas.
Lungwort is pretty and can grow in shade because it has spotted leaves and flowers early in the spring.
Ferns like the Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum) and the Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) do well in shade and add a lot of color.
Some types of low-growing sedum can grow in some shade, which will add color and texture to your yard.
Moss makes a soft, green cushion and doesn't need much care, so it's great for places that are very shaded.
This plant spreads quickly and has pretty leaves with different colors and small white flowers.
Weed of Bishop